Top 5 Ultimate activities to do in Summer 2019

Top 5 must activities to do in summer

As we all know, exams are stressful. The examination period has always been a difficult time for kids. So they deserve a break. As they desperately wait for summer vacation to come and sine summer 2019 is coming closer this has double the happiness.
Well, this is where the fun begins, summer vacation is back in action and all the kids are excited too. But don’t know how to start planning for Kids vacation after the exam gets over or confuse where you have to go? Well, don’t you worry, because we are going to tell you the top 5 things to do after your exam gets over?

summer vacation 2019
summer vacation 2019

Top 5 must activities to do in summer  2019:

Resort: you can visit holiday home club resort with friends and family where you will get connect with nature, have fun in the pool, play indoor games and have bone fire and many more summer vacation actives.
Move: You can take them to movies or watch films online or on TV. Invite their friends over, so they don’t feel lonely.
Parties: you can arrange after exam parties. These will require having energy again, but they may get energize. Grab some friends and either hold a party of your own or go to other parties you know about. Dance and sing a song at night away and you can also catch up on all the missed gossip.
Hobby class: Vacation is the best time to cherish our kid’s hobbies like dance, drawing or pot and lantern making and many more.
Long walk or drive: You can them on a long walk or drive.

Pack your bags and get ready to visit Holiday home club resort

So now hurry up! just pack your bags and get ready to visit Holiday home club resort which is just 1-hour comfortable drive from Ahmedabad’s Sardar Patel International Airport, and 30 minutes from Gandhinagar, it is located just before the Pethapur-Mahudi highway junction. With Akshardham Temple and Mahatma Mandir, each an easy 30 minutes’ drive away, it is an ideal spot for a relaxing weekend.
The beauty and design of your accommodation at Holiday Home Resort connects you with the surrounding environment while ensuring your comfort and convenience. The discovery of that ‘holiday’ Comfortable Rooms charm combined with the high standard accommodation is instantly relieving, as you prepare to unwind and take everything at your own pace.

So let’s flip the exam heat 2019 to fun and happy summer vacation. A Holiday home club resort invites all the students of SSC and HSC with their family and friends at the resort with the exciting discount offer. So what are you waiting for, to know more about our offers follow us on Instagram and Facebook.